2 1/4" Silver Fish - 20 cavity - Mold plate for making laminate two color baits.
Aluminum, CNC machined.
This plates fits the Silver Fish - 2 1/4" - 20 cavity mold only.
Use this plate to inject one half of the bait with one color and then replace with the opposite cavity side plate and re-inject with another color for laminate baits.
Main mold link;
Silver Fish - 2 1/4" -10 or 20 cavity mold
Posted by Jerry on 25th May 2018
The molds that we have purchased have all been great.Purchased the 20 cavity mold of the minnows and wish they had one with more cavities because
some times we have to wait for the mold to cool, so it takes longer to make the items. But as to the molds they are excellent
Posted by Black Bart on 26th Apr 2017
Get awesome looking two color baits.